How to Reset PS4 Controller: The Best Way

Introducing the necessity of how to reset PS4 controller: Dive into the common issues users face, from connectivity glitches to unresponsive buttons. This article serves as your step-by-step guide, ensuring a seamless reset process for optimal gaming performance.

Unpacking the Reasons for How to Reset PS4 Controller

A. Connection Issues with the PS4 Console

  1. Bluetooth Connectivity Problems: Bluetooth woes are a common frustration. When your PS4 motion controller struggles to establish or maintain a Bluetooth connection, gaming experiences are compromised. Frequent disconnections can disrupt gameplay and hinder the overall gaming experience.
  2. Unresponsive Buttons or Analog Sticks: Controller responsiveness is paramount for immersive gaming. Delve into the issues of unresponsive buttons or analogue sticks, exploring how these glitches can interfere with gameplay fluidity and user engagement.

B. Firmware or Software Glitches

  1. Impact on Controller Performance: Unravel the consequences of firmware or software glitches, elucidating their direct impact on the controller’s overall performance. From delayed button responses to erratic behaviour, these glitches can significantly diminish the gaming experience.
  2. How Resets Can Resolve These Issues: Explore the effectiveness of resets as a solution to firmware or software glitches. Understand the mechanics behind resets and how they address underlying issues, restoring the controller to its optimal state and enhancing performance.

Getting Ready for the Reset:

How to Reset PS4 Controller

A. Checking the Controller’s Battery Level:

  1. Importance for a Successful Reset: Ensure your controller has ample battery power before diving into a reset. A low battery might interrupt the process, leading to incomplete resets. We’ll guide you through checking and managing the battery level for a smooth reset experience, essential for mastering the art of how to reset PS4 controller.
  2. Charging Options and Recommendations: Delve into the various ways to charge your PS4 controller, emphasizing the importance of a fully charged device. Explore charging options and offer practical recommendations to ensure your controller is ready for resetting.

B. Backing Up Controller Settings (if Applicable):

  1. Highlighting the Importance of Saved Configurations: Understand the significance of preserving your controller settings. We’ll shed light on how saved configurations enhance your gaming experience and why backing them up before a reset is crucial.
  2. Step-by-Step Guide on Backing Up Settings: Walk through a comprehensive step-by-step guide on backing up your controller settings. From accessing the necessary menu options to selecting the right storage location, we’ve got you covered to safeguard your personalized configurations before engaging in how to reset your PS4 controller.

Mastering the Art of How to Reset PS4 Controller:

How to Reset PS4 Controller

Soft Reset:

1. Steps for Soft Reset:

  • Log in with a second (working) controller.
  • Navigate to Settings in the PS4’s top menu.
  • Choose Devices > Bluetooth Devices.
  • Select the inactive PS4 controller.
  • Press Options, then select Forget Device.
  • Power down the PS4.
  • Connect the misbehaving controller using a USB cable.
  • Turn on the PS4, press the PlayStation button, and log in.

2. Purpose of Soft Reset:

  • Soft reset flushes out memory, corrects issues, and resets the connection between the controller and the console.

Hard Reset:

1. Steps for Hard Reset:

  • Power down the PS4.
  • Locate the small hole near the left shoulder button on the controller.
  • Insert a paper clip to push the button inside the hole for about 5 seconds.
  • Connect the controller to the PS4 using a USB cable.
  • Turn on the PS4, press the PlayStation button, and log in.

2. Purpose of Hard Reset:

  • A hard reset reverts the device to its factory default settings, resolving persistent issues when a soft reset fails.

Additional Notes:

  • The hard reset process requires a paper clip or a similar tool to access the reset button on the controller.
  • After a hard reset, the light bar on the controller should turn blue, indicating successful pairing with the console.

Troubleshooting Tips for Seamless Resets:

How to Reset PS4 Controller

A. Addressing Common Issues During the Reset Process:

  1. Controller Still Unresponsive After Reset: Acknowledge the frustration users may face if their controller remains unresponsive post-reset. Offer insights into potential causes and additional steps to take, ensuring a comprehensive troubleshooting approach to tackle this persistent issue.
  2. Ensuring the PS4 Console is Functioning Properly: Highlight the interconnected nature of the PS4 system. Guide users in verifying the overall health of their console, emphasizing the importance of a well-functioning PS4 for successful controller resets. Troubleshoot common console-related issues that may impact the effectiveness of the reset process.


Mastering the intricacies of how to reset PS4 controller is pivotal for an uninterrupted gaming experience. By understanding the soft and hard reset methods, navigating through system settings, and troubleshooting common issues, users can regain control seamlessly. For more complex issues, reaching out to Sony support is encouraged. Thank you for investing your time in enhancing your gaming know-how, ensuring your PS4 controller remains a reliable companion on your gaming adventures.

Read more about “When did the PS4 come” out to delve into the fascinating history of this iconic gaming console.


Q: Why reset my PS4 controller?

A: Resetting resolves connectivity, responsiveness, and firmware issues, ensuring peak gaming performance.

Q: Soft reset vs. hard reset – what’s the difference?

A: Soft reset for minor issues; hard reset for persistent problems, using different methods.

Q: Can I reset without losing my settings?

A: Yes, back up your settings in PS4 system settings before resetting for a personalized experience.

Q: Why check the battery before resetting?

A: Adequate charge ensures an uninterrupted reset, preventing potential disruptions.

Q: Controller still unresponsive after reset – what now?

A: Troubleshoot by verifying console functionality; for complex issues, consult Sony support.